Musicians are always welcome here at St. Thomas Becket.
(Vocal and Instrumental)
I welcome anyone who would like to join us!
* The Adult Choir meets on Thursdays evenings from
7pm to 8:30pm for rehearsal.
* At present, the 9:00am Liturgy on Sundays is the usual service done by the choir. I am also seeking musically inclined parishioners who would like to join our Adult Choir.
* Musicians are also present at the 12:30pm Sunday service and the 4pm Saturday Mass.
* Children’s choir participates in certain special liturgies.
* Our Cantor Program is up and coming! It is not necessary to be a Choir member to train for and preside as a Cantor.
* Extensive musical backgrounds are not a prerequisite for participation; you are welcome to join us. If you have a passion for music, there is a place in our music program for you!
* Paula is appealing for musically inclined parishioners who attend the 4pm and 12:30pm Masses to volunteer as Cantors for these celebrations. Choir membership is not required for this very important ministry. If you can give of yourself once a month (or more), please see Paula after Mass.