A Place of Welcome for All

We want to capture the imagination of all people who have ever thought of a better world – a place of peace & quiet; a place of respect & equality for all; a place without competition and judgment; a place of prayer & communion.  SPRED  offers such a program which embraces these desires which dwell in the heart of all people. 

Our mission is to welcome those who are sometimes forgotten; those who are expected to cope with the norm and try to “fit in”.

SPRED  has designed a unique process that respects the particular needs of people born with various types of learning challenges.  The process values each person and responds to the individual needs and gifts of all.  It is based on friendship and respect and honors the learning styles of those with special needs.  In this experience, each volunteer discovers a richer and more meaningful style of faith development for themselves as well. The time commitment is clearly defined with no surprises. Training is offered by SPRED and eases the concerns of all who join. 

Building a Church for all – a place of welcome for all – is the work of its members. 

We are all people of God. Our SPRED group is for ages between 17 to 21 year olds.

If you have questions, please call: Gloria Konkey at 847-390-7180.